Mark 1.35-45 (7 April 2020)

Biblical text

Mark 1.35-45 (NTE and SBLGNT)

Study Materials

  • Mark 1:41 – Why the NIV is Wrong by James Snapp, Jr. There is an interesting textual variant in this verse and some translations, like the NIV, choose the minority reading. This article argues for the majority reading. Textual criticism is a crucial field when it comes to determining the biblical text in light of the fact that we do not have the original manuscripts. For further reading on textual variants, see the section below.
  • Biblical Leprosy: Shedding Light on the Disease that Shuns by Dr. Alan L. Gillen. A narrow perspective on what ‘leprosy’ means in the bible that ignores ‘leprosy’ of houses and clothes!
  • What Was Leprosy in the Bible? from A very poor, but often repeated, view of leprosy that totally ignores the fact that Hansen’s disease is not biblical leprosy.
  • Famous lepers of the Bible by Patricia Kasten.

Resources related to leprosy in India

Resources related to textual variants