Experiencing God’s Embrace (Matthew 5.9)

Biblical Text

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Matthew 5.9, NRSV)

Reflection Video

For the video with the reflection on Matthew 5.9 click here.


A peacekeeper is not a peacemaker. A peacekeeper is one who maintains a fragile peace often by coercion or violence. A peacemaker is one who promotes reconciliation between conflicting parties so that they can have a lasting peace in the context of a healthy relationship and without coercion.


  • How seriously have you taken this beatitude before? How have you heard it interpreted? How relevant have these interpretations been?
  • If you consider yourself a child of God, how does this beatitude challenge you or confirm your discipleship?
  • What would you say the response of the church to violence and war in the world should be?