After the Elections

I have no party affiliations. I was neither supporting someone to win nor hoping someone would lose. But now that the results are out, I would like to offer some thoughts.

First, given that the NDA managed to secure a stronger majority than in 2014 indicates that, whether some of us approved of their first term or not, there are millions who did. While some of us may not have liked their policies or their rhetoric, there are many others for whom those policies and rhetoric were positive factors. Denying this does not change the reality.

Second, it is clear that the opposition presented neither a unified front nor an option that seemed viable for many citizens. This is something that the losing parties had five years to fix since 2014. But sycophancy has ruled the roost in these parties and they presented the same options that lost last time. The unwillingness to learn from one’s mistakes is a recipe for disaster and they have reaped the disaster they have sown.

Third, those who wanted a change of regime may complain about tampering with the EVMs, but that is simply crying over spilt milk. Even if the charges were true, it means that the options presented by the opposition were so odious to the people entrusted with the integrity of the election that they forsook their duty to ensure those options did not materialize. And if the charges were false then it’s a stronger indictment against the opposition.

Fourth, regardless of whom we were supporting I hope Indians look toward supporting policies that are healthy for the nation and not engage in partisan politics solely to undermine or blindly support the ruling regime. Sycophantic faith and paranoid skepticism are always going to hurt us in the long run.

Fifth, our ‘fourth estate’ really needs some strong introspection. The amount of unbridled calumny spewed by various supposed news outlets is mind boggling. If they are unable to even make an attempt at unbiased reporting let alone conduct civilized discourse, these outlets should shut shop.

Sixth, it’s all well and good to have voted and believe that we have done our democratic duty. It is precisely such thinking that allows regimes to take the populace for granted and engage in unhealthy practices. Rather, our democratic duty is a daily duty by which we support policies that are healthy and oppose those that are not. It is difficult to take an alert citizenry for a ride.

Seventh, we are being bombarded daily with an increasing amount of fake news. The dissemination of such fake news only hurts us. We should be extra diligent with what we spread. Just because some post or article fits our worldview does not mean it is true. We must always be aware of confirmation bias when consuming any piece of ‘news’.

The NDA has secured a stronger mandate this time around. Here’s hoping they exercise this mandate with wisdom, vision, and trustworthiness.