Unmasking Oppression I (Matthew 5:38-39)

Biblical Text

“You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, Do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also” (Matthew 5.38-39, NRSV)

Reflection Video

For the video with the reflection on Matthew 5.38-39 click here.


The Greek verb anthistemi, normally translated “resist,” is often used in the context of violent resistance. Jesus is not telling us not to oppose injustice, but not to oppose it violently. The mistranslation has supported instances of oppression for centuries. It is time this stopped!


  • How have you understood these verses before? Were you able to put your interpretation into practice? Did your interpretation give you reasons for not obeying Jesus?
  • How has the reflection challenged the way you read scripture and understand Jesus’ words? How practical do you think the way pointed by the reflection is? How do you think such an approach works to overcome systemic injustice?
  • Can you think of concrete instances of chronic injustice in your life—either experienced by you or caused by you? In cases where you experience injustice, in what ways can you respond differently so as to reclaim your dignity? In cases where you cause injustice, how can you change the way you relate to others so as not to be condemned by Jesus’ words?